Sunday, August 22, 2010

We raised $575 for LFAW!

Thanks to the generosity of my mom's family & friends, we were able to raise $575, plus several doggy items to donate to the League for Animal Welfare.

When we went to the shelter to drop off the donation, they were so happy and appreciative of what everyone was willing to do for them. We were informed that this was the largest "birthday party donation" they have ever received!

Thank you to everyone who helped plan and prepare for the party. Many hours went into the preparation of this event, and I'm sure everyone is very happy to get some sleep about now!

I would encourage others to think about having a fundraiser for their future birthday parties. It is a great way to celebrate and to come together with family and friends to give back to those who need our help.

Happy birthday mom!

Signing off for the last time,

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